The Works of Author S.A. Tower

Selah Ally Tower is a former initiated witch, best known as the author of the highly acclaimed "A Witch's Encounter With God: Taken From The Night Expanded Edition", her true story as an ex-witch saved by grace and "From the Craft to Christ" which exposes the enemy's deception and shares a dozen ex-witch testimonies. Ms. Tower has been a featured guest on several major Christian media outlets, most notably as Guest Contributor for The Christian Post. She is an emerging voice imparting insightful revelations in the spiritual realm.

About Me

Selah Ally Tower


At first, I thought I was the only one; a witch who encountered the Christian God. It was as though He had reached down and lifted me out of my eternal darkness… a darkness I hadn’t realized I was in and immersed me in a waterfall of His unconditional love. My life would never be the same again. I documented this journey that later became my debut ground-breaking book, “Taken From The Night – A Witch’s Encounter With God”. Soon after I discovered that I wasn’t alone. In fact, there was in our midst a sort of Exodus occurring worldwide as our mighty God was bringing people out of witchcraft and other occult activities. I've included some of their testimonies of being delivered from various degrees in the Craft, ranging from the level of High Priest and Priestess, down to the solitary practitioner in my insightful second book, “From The Craft To Christ – The Allure of Witchcraft and the Church’s Response”. If you’re reading this for the first time, I want to affirm this biblical truth, “I am persuaded there is NOTHING in all creation, including angels, principalities nor powers, that can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus” (See Romans 8:38).